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Major Symposium G: Regulating Immunity: Tregs and Beyond

Tuesday, May 12, 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Great Hall A


Steven F. Ziegler, Benaroya Research Institute
Claudia Mauri, University College London


Andrea Cerutti, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, IgD: an ancestral regulator of Th2 immune responses
Jennifer L. Gommerman, University of Toronto, Befuddled B cells and EAE pathogenesis
Claudia Mauri*, University College London, Microbiota, regulatory B cells, and arthritis: insight into a new mechanism of regulation
* Supported by the British Society for Immunology
Mitchell Kronenberg, La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology, Natural killer T cells: one specificity, but different functions
Liang Zhou, Northwestern University, Regulation of Tregs in the mucosal tissues
Steven F. Ziegler, Benaroya Research Institute, Development and function of regulatory T cells

Major Symposium H: Mechanisms of Host Immunity: Insights from Eukaryotic Pathogens

Tuesday, May 12, 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM, Great Hall B


William C. Gause, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
De'Broski R. Herbert, University of California, San Francisco


De'Broski R. Herbert, University of California, San Francisco, The helminthic harangue on immunity and repair
Amariliz Rivera, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Inflammatory monocytes orchestrate innate antifungal immunity in the lung
William C. Gause, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Helminths, wound healing, and worm expulsion
Padraic Fallon, Trinity College Dublin, Helminth activation of innate and adaptive immunity to achieve chronic infections
P'ng Loke, NYU School of Medicine, Alternatively activated macrophages derived from monocytes and tissue-resident macrophages during helminth infections
Edward J. Pearce, Washington University School of Medicine, The metabolic regulation of alternative macrophage activation

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